Saturday, April 12, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

From time to time I feel like adding a personal touch to my Etsy site, updating folks, or just chatting merrily away, so I've decided to give blogging a try. I may be an old dog, but I can learn new tricks. :-)

We've been dealing with chickenpox here. First the older DD, and now the younger is breaking out all over the place - when it rains it pours. Having a clingy spirited child can certainly put a kink in one's crafting time, for sure - and let's not think too hard about the rest of the house (laundry? what laundry?).

On the other hand, I do find that my children are by far my very best teachers, so it's important to me to remind myself to listen to their lessons - even if it means setting the rubber bands and bottles of dye aside for as long as I can stand it.

Looking forward to warmer weather and bigger batches of tie-dye out in the back yard...... *happy sigh*